
GBZ Revisions und Treuhand AG
Schubertstraße 8 b
35043 Marburg

The auditors of the firm are members of the German Chamber of Certified Public Accountants (Wirtschaftsprüferkammer) and are licensed by the Hessian Department of Commerce. They were awarded the statutory professional title of Wirtschaftsprüfer (Certified Public Accountant) in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Accountants are strictly subject to the following professional regulations that can be reviewed on the homepage of the German Chamber of Certified Public Accountants (Wirtschaftsprüferkammer) at

Public Accountant Act (Wirtschaftsprüferordnung - WPO)
Professional Charter for Public Accountants/Sworn Auditors (Berufssatzung für Wirtschaftsprüfer/vereidigte Buchprüfer - BS WP/vBP)
Charter for Quality Control (Satzung für Qualitätskontrolle)
Seal Ordinance (Siegelverordnung)
Professional Indemnity Insurance Ordinance for Public Accountants (Wirtschaftsprüfer-Berufshaftpflichtversicherungsverordnung - WPBHV)

Tax consultants are substantially subject to the following professional regulations that can be reviewed on the homepage of the German Chamber of Tax Consultants (Bundessteuerberaterkammer)

Tax Consultancy Act (Steuerberatungsgesetz - StBerG)
Implementing Ordinance for the Tax Consultancy Act (Durchführungsverordnung zum Steuerberatungsgesetz - DVStB)
Fee Scale Ordinance for Tax Consultants (Steuerberatergebührenverordnung - StBGebV)
Professional Rules of the German Chamber of Tax Consultants (Berufsordnung der Bundessteuerberaterkammer - BOStB)

The lawyers of the firm are members of the bar association Kassel and are authorized at all local and regional courts in Germany. They were awarded the statutory professional title of Rechtsanwalt (lawyer) in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Lawyers are strictly subject to the following professional regulations that can be reviewed on the homepage of the German Federal Bar (Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer)

Federal Lawyers‘ Act (Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung - BRAO)
Rules of Professional Practice (Berufsordnung der Rechtsanwälte - BORA)
Specialist Lawyers‘ Act (Fachanwaltsordnung - FAO)
Fee Scale Act for Lawyers (Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz - RVG)
Code of Conduct of the Council of Bars and Law Societies of the European Community (Berufsregeln der Rechtsanwälte der Europäischen Gemeinschaft - CCBE)

Professional indemnity insurance

The professional indemnity insurance is provided by HDI-Gerling Firmen und Privat Versicherung AG, Riethorst 2, 30659 Hannover. The territorial validity of the insurance coverage includes services in the member countries of the European Union and hence complies at least with the requirements of § 54 of the Public Accountant Act (WPO) in combination with requirements of the Professional Indemnity Insurance Ordinance for Public Accountants (WPBHV).


The information on this website is provided solely for general information purposes and does not present consulting services by the GBZ Revisions und Treuhand AG.

We have carefully checked the information but do not assume any liability for the correctness, completeness and currentness of the provided information.

The contents of external websites that can be visited by clicking on hyperlinks on this webpage or that refer to this website are external contents that the GBZ Revisions und Treuhand AG does not assume any liability for.

(Information according to § 6 TDG)

Image Sources #84309657 © freshidea, #67667011 © psdesign1, #72283471 © Urheber: thodonal, DWAZ Wirtschaftskanzlei

Dispute resolution

GBZ Revision und Treuhand AG is not prepared to participate in dispute resolution procedures before a Consumer Arbitration Board within the meaning of Section 2 of the German Consumer’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Act (Verbraucherstreitbeilegungsgesetz).

Conception and realization of this website

mantel + schölzel AG
digitales marketing

© 2015 Copyright by mantel + schölzel AG, Kassel

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